Churchward Choir

The Churchward Choir, formerly the Rotuman Methodist Choir, was founded in 1948 by the late Master Aisake Williame (Gagaj Kauturaf). The legacy of the Lords music lingers on after 47 years. With our Mission “to lead and strengthen worship in church through singing of hymns and anthems”

Churchward Chapel first opened its doors in 1984, and the Rotuman Methodist Choir was renamed Churchward Chapel Choir. Church services were previously held in Centenary Church, Dudley, Wesley Church, and Raiwaqa.

The following are list of Choir Masters;
1. Gagaj Kauturaf
2. Mamao Kounusi
3. Hae Pene
4. Fred Pene
5. Aisea Nakaora
6. Sam Taukave
7. Faga Semesi (Mrs)
8. Peter Ravai (current)
(Vaivao Fatiaki was Choir master for a short period when Hae Pene went to Australia for the South Pacific Arts Festival)

Choir has always taken part in wider church activities such as the Methodist Church Conference Choir Competition, Messiah Cup Competition. The latter has been discontinued. In 1973 (I stand to be corrected) won the Messiah Cup led by Hae Pene. In 1988 won Conference Competition, led by Vaivao Faitiaki.

  • Also participate in fund raising singing competitions organized by other church choirs. Of note, is contribution of $1000 each to Nabua Circuit (Mead Road) n Tamavua Circuit (Sailoama) to assist in the building of their own churches
  • Visitations to elderly, retired or sick Choir members
  • Two overseas tours – New Zealand in 1970s n Australia in 2012
  • Tour to Rotuma in 2016 to attend Rotuma Division Annual Church Meeting, and participate in singing competition for Churchward Shield. Won both categories – Anthem n Hymn
  • Choir practice once a week
  • Choir development programmes in singing (voice training, etc), spiritual strengthening (Bible study), n social interaction
  • Choir Retreat to analyze Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities n Threats (SWOT) on how to improve and strengthen choir performance

Over the years until present times, the Choir has had it’s ups and downs but we praise God that despite the dwindling in numbers at times, the Choir has been able to fulfill it’s Mission to the Rotuman Church and Congregation. The door is still open to any member of the congregation who will answer the call to JOIN the Choir