Reverend Viliame Fatiaki Inducted as Divisional Superintendent for Rotuma Division in Solemn Ceremony

Reverend Dr. Semisi Turagavou Officiates Induction at Churchward Chapel

March 3, 2024

Today was the official induction of Reverend Viliame Fatiaki as the Divisional Superintendent for Rotuma Division, a monumental occasion that unified the Rotuman Methodist community in jubilant celebration. The induction was presided over by the respected President of the Methodist Church of Fiji, Reverend Dr. Semisi Turagavou, and the solemn event was held at the Churchward Chapel.

The event marked a significant milestone in the spiritual journey of Reverend Viliame Fatiaki, whose dedication, leadership, and unwavering commitment to the Rotuma community have earned him this prestigious position. The Nadi Rotuma Circuit Congregation, led by Reverend. Mario Rigamoto joined the induction along with Reverend Geraldine Panapasa of Pacific Theological College, Reverend Jiare Fonmanu, and Reverend Jone Sanipati of Davuilevu theological College. The induction ceremony was attended by a diverse congregation, including Gagaj Maraf, Gagaj Manav, Gagaj Suakmas and Gagaj Tokoar.

Reverend Dr. Semisi Turagavou, President of the Methodist of Fiji, conducted the induction with a solemnity befitting the occasion. The atmosphere in the Churchward Chapel was filled with reverence and anticipation as Reverend Fatiaki officially assumed his new role, symbolizing the trust and faith bestowed upon him.

In his sermon, Reverend Dr. Turagavou emphasized the importance of strong leadership, compassion, and spiritual guidance in fostering a united and thriving community. He expressed confidence in Reverend Fatiaki’s ability to carry out his duties with diligence, and he urged the congregation to support and uplift their new Divisional Superintendent in the challenging yet rewarding journey that lay ahead.

The Rotuma community, known for its close-knit ties and rich cultural heritage, embraced the induction ceremony as not only a religious event but also a communal celebration. Following the formal proceedings, attendees shared moments of fellowship and joy, reinforcing the sense of unity and solidarity that has long defined the Rotuman people.

Reverend Viliame Fatiaki, in his acceptance speech, expressed deep gratitude for the trust placed in him by the community. He pledged to serve with humility, dedication, and love, vowing to uphold the values and traditions that have shaped the Rotuma Division throughout its history.