Sunday School

Churchward Chapel Sunday School


Our Vision 

Making every Rotuman child a disciple of our LORD Jesus Christ.

The Churchward Chapel Sunday School seeks to make Yeshua Ha’Mashiach, our LORD Jesus Christ, personally known to every child in Sunday School. In knowing Him, that every child will have a real, personal, and intimate relationship with Him, that they in turn will become His ‘Disciples’, the vision of the Sunday school ministry.  

The salvation and discipleship of each child is of utmost importance to the work of the Sunday school. To support the Sunday school’s vision, the ministry continues this work, seeking to establish the Kingdom of God in the lives of every child in Sunday school, ready for the Return of Yeshua, and to fulfill their eternal destiny.

For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so, we will be with the Lord forever. (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17)

Our Work & Ministry


As early as the 1960s, Rotumans arriving in Suva from the island would gather on Sundays for worship. Although there was no permanent location, and fellowship and worship shifted Sunday to Sunday from Wesley Butt Street, to Centenary Church, to Dudley Church, and even Jubilee Hall, Sunday school would continue without fail, serving more than five generations of Rotumans. The Sunday school is grateful to the service of God-fearing men and women, committed to reaching and teaching Rotuman children God’s Word and nurturing their young faith in our LORD Jesus Christ.

 Children’s Church & Sunday School Classes

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6).

Sunday school meet every Sunday.

Children’s Church begins with Praise & Worship, starting at 9am on the first, second and third Sundays of every month. On any fourth and/or fifth Sunday of the month, Sunday school meets at 7am. Following children’s church, children go to their classes. The first Sunday of every month is dedicated to intercession & prayers.

In 2022, 89 children joined Sunday school, with 14 volunteer teachers. The youngest child registered in Sunday school in Kindy is 4 years old.

During the COVID pandemic and restrictions on public gatherings during 2020 and 2021, Sunday school hosted online devotions every Sunday and started virtual classes for the children in early 2022.

Joshua Generation

Choose you this day, whom will you serve but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15)

Joshua Generation (JG) is the fellowship for the young adults in high school (students from 15 years of age) and college/ tertiary students. JG meet for fellowship on Sundays, and bible study during the week. Robin Rigamoto and Jeanette Eliesa are the leaders of the newly formed JG group. In 2022, the JG held an offsite weekend retreat on the topic of ‘Purity’ in Pacific Harbour and visited the Veilomani Home in Ba.

Special Programs: Children’s Sunday

Children lead worship every year during Children’s Sunday, also known as Palm Sunday.

Jeanette’s Miracle Healing (October 30, 2022): Miracle Working God

Jeanette Eliesa receives a MIRACLE from GOD. She injured her left hand while she tried to break her fall on Thursday morning October 27 at her workplace at the University of the South Pacific (USP). This resulted in an iron rod piercing her hand. Her wound had 7stitches, she received a Tetanus shot, was given medication to help ease the pain, and to avoid any poisoning from the rusty iron rod. On Friday morning October 28, she went for x-ray, her shoulder was cleared (not dislocated), and she received another Tetanus shot. Her left hand was in a sling going into camp on Friday afternoon. After devotion on Sunday morning October 30 when the camp nurse aunty Racheal removed the bandage to apply a new dressing to the wound, there was NO WOUND. NOTHING at ALL, not even a MARK! It’s a MIRACLE! HALLELUJAH! JESUS has Healed Jeanette’s hand. We all Stood in AWE of the PRESENCE of GOD for the MIRACLE and return the PRAISES GLORY and HONOR to ABBA ADONAI.

You are the GOD who does wonders; You have declared Your strength among the peoples.  (Psalm 77:14)[0]=AZW_oudMkjuWJ7MOj9WIoxXdpqm_Q95XUamLBcsdzqeqyDG2eVuUwtbSTFeieFxLK8FNHUWTTnQLfOo0jEGSQuFp-L6Eqzm9HtodGfXoc9fsbZsqYvmhj5NZeITJtyqxCunrmqxZZRdx2ODn8OH2hrWl0_M_tfwh7VljaO5GseS_XFH0F4x0A1-WYUDc-qWjU4k&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R)